This entry for @renderweekly’s #rw3dpattern challenge introduces "Marsel," a massage gun concept designed with a unique hole pattern created using @adskfusion's parametric pattern tool. The design explores ordinary yet functional patterns tailored for relaxation and massage. The tool’s flexibility in adjusting patterns is demonstrated in the final slides. Named Marsel (a mix of MASsage and RELax), the concept highlights how patterns enhance both form and function.
This entry for @renderweekly’s #rw3dpattern challenge introduces "Marsel," a massage gun concept designed with a unique hole pattern created using @adskfusion's parametric pattern tool. The design explores ordinary yet functional patterns tailored for relaxation and massage. The tool’s flexibility in adjusting patterns is demonstrated in the final slides. Named Marsel (a mix of MASsage and RELax), the concept highlights how patterns enhance both form and function.