Signet - Signature Pen

Signet - Signature Pen

Some actions deserve a moment of reflection, a pause to acknowledge their weight and significance. A signature is one such act - more than a mere assertion of one’s will , it is a deliberate ceremony that embodies the gravity of choice. Inspired by the inkan, Signet is a pen designed to honor this ritual, inviting thoughtfulness and intention before signing.

Signet is designed with a design language of ‘ceremonial thought’ - a proud, urushi glazed form gradually tapering and becoming more defined like the clarity of a decision with extravagant curvatures and ornamental motifs that speak to an idea of ritual. It’s a moment of deliberation within the ceremony of the signature.

Some actions deserve a moment of reflection, a pause to acknowledge their weight and significance. A signature is one such act - more than a mere assertion of one’s will , it is a deliberate ceremony that embodies the gravity of choice. Inspired by the inkan, Signet is a pen designed to honor this ritual, inviting thoughtfulness and intention before signing.

Signet is designed with a design language of ‘ceremonial thought’ - a proud, urushi glazed form gradually tapering and becoming more defined like the clarity of a decision with extravagant curvatures and ornamental motifs that speak to an idea of ritual. It’s a moment of deliberation within the ceremony of the signature.

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by DesignUplift team


Curated by DesignUplift. All rights are owned by the designers and the brand owners.

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by DesignUplift team


Curated by DesignUplift. All rights are owned by the designers and the brand owners.

Made with
by DesignUplift team


Curated by DesignUplift. All rights are owned by the designers and the brand owners.