Otus 2
Otus 2
Otus 2 is a healthcare wearable device used to correct ocular vision through vision therapy, which trains ciliary muscles to improve vision. Lens control technology is utilized, allowing for vision recovery without time or location limitations. A transparent case provides precise observation of the lens control process, and a professional body design and headband tailored to body dimensions enhance reliability and technology precision. Current vision improvement solutions include corrective lenses, surgical procedures, and vision therapy, which non-surgically improves vision through muscle training exercises.
Otus 2 is a healthcare wearable device used to correct ocular vision through vision therapy, which trains ciliary muscles to improve vision. Lens control technology is utilized, allowing for vision recovery without time or location limitations. A transparent case provides precise observation of the lens control process, and a professional body design and headband tailored to body dimensions enhance reliability and technology precision. Current vision improvement solutions include corrective lenses, surgical procedures, and vision therapy, which non-surgically improves vision through muscle training exercises.